Green Canyon

Green Canyon is located in the village of Kertayasa, District Cijulang, Ciamis, West Java. From City Ciamis itself is about 130 km or if from Pangandaran is approximately 31 km.

Many say if Pangandaran in West Java as the Balinese in west javanese. Various scenery are excellent.

Pangandaran has beautiful beaches, Canyon beautiful stalactite and stalagmite in the Green Canyon , Scenic Caves Nature Reserve as well as dishes Culinary tour Pangandaran.

Green Canyon one of the tour of interest to domestic and international tourists. The beauty Cukang Taneuh real name,  one of the tourist from France give  epithet as a Green Canyon in 1993.

Cukang Taneuh has meaning land bridge. That's because over the valley and ravine Green Canyon there is a bridge of land used by farmers around there to get to their gardens.

 Your trip will be spoiled with basin steep walls on either side of the river. The existence of this wall presents the beauty and uniqueness. One of the most unique, wall resembles a cave whose roof has collapsed. In addition, at the top you will pass stalactites that are still spilled water to the land. After a few hundred meters of swimming, you will see some small waterfalls on the left and right are so captivating. If you continue to swim then visitors will come to the end of the road, where there are caves inhabited by bats.

The flow of this river long enough, you can swim your heart's content while the water flow down of the waterfall. In addition to beautiful views over the water, Green Canyon became a separate heaven for those who love diving. Staying bring some diving equipment, stunning scenery the notches in the water ready to be explored and enjoyed.

Kelam Park Hill

kelam Park Hill neighborhood located in the District of Tenebrous Permai. kelam Park Hill is located between two major rivers namely River Melawi and Kapuas River, nature park is located in Bukit kelam,distric kelam Permai,18 km from Sintang, West Kalimantan.

As natural attractions and good also for the location of kite flying and rock climbing because it has an altitude 50-900 meters above sea level with a slope between above 45 °. The tree that grows at the foot of the hill trunked generally higher, while dipuncaknya overgrown bush.
In the rare hills overgrown with vegetation wall because it consists of steep stone so that trees are grown and arranged neatly in the pot.

In the kelam park hill,in the hill crest there are natural caves exotic and magical in which there is a bird's nest.
In the kelam park hill also contained rare plants such as the giant bags by Semar local people used as a container untukk cook rice, but it also contained the Black Orchid.
Currently, the kelam bukit used also as a center of scout boy camp. There are two longhouses in the hills location. short Ensaid  and long Ensaid .

To reach the top of hill kelam is now constructed a ladder with a height of ± 90 m, located adjacent to the west.
Climbing to the top of the hill can be reached in two ways using the stairs or through the stone cliffs are very steep and challenging.

Tirta Rimba Waterfall

  Tirta Jungle Waterfall. For residents of bau - bau, the waterfall is usually  they call Water Fall. Because it was not far from the city of bau-bau around 4 kilometers, making Tirta Jungle Falls is a waterfall of the most popular there.

  Tirta Jungle Waterfall located in the village Lakologou, District Wolio, Bau-Bau, Buton Island, Southeast Sulawesi. To reach the waterfall, visitors can use their own vehicle or take a taxi and takes less than 30 minutes from the town of Bau - Bau.

  For visitors from outside of bau-bau, could use a plane or ship Pelni to be leaning in the Port Murhum, bau-bau.

This waterfall is Kokalukuna stream that has a height of about 6 feet. Although just as high as it , but its beauty is not inferior to other waterfalls. With a width of about 5 meters, this waterfall is like a big rock that flows through there.

In the big rock there is a kind of cavity that usually serve as the object photographed by visitors. Below there is a large stone measuring about 10x7 meter pool is deliberately shaped and fitted with board slides like a swimming pool in general.

On a normal day, this waterfall is relatively quiet, but when the holidays, many visitors who come to this tourist location with friends or children. The best time for a trip to the waterfalls is during the rainy season because at that time abundant water flow.

For the location of this waterfall, visitors are not charged a penny, but sometimes, there are those of Revenue or from the Forestry attractive tariffs, but with nominal which is not great.

Do not forget to bring their own supplies such as food and beverages at the location of the waterfall there is no food or drink vending stalls.

Jayawijaya Mountains

  For those of you who are on vacation to Papua or planning to go there on vacation, we suggest that you try to travel Jayawijaya Mountains. Hiking does have sensation, especially for those of you who have never tried it. Jayawijaya Mountains is a name for the mountain range that runs along the province of West Papua to Papua New Guinea. This mountain was formerly known as the Orange Mountains. Perhaps you do not know, in fact it is the highest mountain range in Indonesia, which is 4800 meters above sea level of the sea surface.

  Jayawijaya mountains are formed due to removal of the seabed. One proof is the existence of fossil shells around the mountains. Not only the traveler that likes to come to this place, but scientists also learned a lot from geological Jayawijaya Mountains.

  Another interesting point of the Jayawijaya Mountains are covered by eternal snow. Yes, this is the only mountain in Indonesia are covered by eternal snow. Not all areas in the mountains are covered by snow, but only a few. Some have even disappeared because the effects of global warming.

  Jayawijaya Mountains have a long historical. If we go back to the past, we will find the continent of Pangea. It is the only continent on earth about 250 million years ago. The continent was split into two parts, forming the Eurasian continent and Laurasia. Then split again to form the Eurasian continent that would later form the Gonwana Africa, India, South America, and Australia. Collision only between the Indo-Australian Plate and the Indo-Pacific is a forerunner to the formation Jayawijaya Mountains. So the mountain is not formed in an instant, it took millions of years to form like Jayawijaya Mountains we know today.

Knowing that the long history of Jayawijaya mountains, we must preserve it carefully. Jayawijaya Peak is one of the snowy mountains at the equator. If the binoculars from the top, these mountains look like big black carpet with white ornaments on it. The amount of ice in Puncak Jayawijaya estimated 5 percent of the world's ice continent except Antarctica. If you want to see the glacier, you can come to this place. Jayawijaya Mountains Glacier Valley has type glaciers, which flow from the high to the low. So chances are there glacier flow around this place. The highlight is the popular name Carstenszy Pyramidea or  Puncak Jaya. Carstensz a Dutch man who first discovered this place

Another thing that boasts of Puncak Jayawijaya is due enrolled in seven summit or top seven continents. That's why this place is quite popular among climbers the world. All climbers ranging from amateur to professional racing to conquer the peak Jayawijaya. Conquering the mountain peak is a pride for a climber. Moreover, we can see that rare moment of eternal snow. When else in tropical Indonesia we can find eternal snow.

Toba Lake

 Sumatra has many famous tour objects.Toba lake is one of the tour object.If until now you only ever see Lake Toba from Television,then we suggest that you also visit this beautiful place.Lake Toba is a volcanic lake located in the province of North Sumatra.This lake has a length of about 100 km and a width of 30 km, making it the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. This lake has an area similar to the widespread of Singapore.

  In the middle of the lake there is a volcanic island called Samosir Island. Judging from history, Lake Toba formed from the eruption of Mount Toba around 70 thousand years ago. The blast was so powerful that it affects weather conditions across any world. History records that there are thousands of people who survived the great eruption. Samosir Island is located in the caldera lake into the wall and then split so that the boat can go. And it turns out in the island of Samosir also there are 2 other lakes are also no less beautiful, the lake Aek Natonang Lake, and Lake Sidihoni.

  There are several unique about Lake Toba attractions you might want to know. If we see from its position close to the equator, there was something odd with this lake. Most of the lakes formed by glaciers. As for the lake located near the equator typically formed from large river dams. But in fact none of the major rivers that flow through Lake Toba. This is what makes the unique attractions of Lake Toba.

Lake Toba presents the incredible natural scenery, you will not regret visiting this place. There are many interesting things you can do in this place, enjoy the scenery around the lake, doing historical, spiritual, culinary travel, exercise, and much more. The weather here is very cool, but it is also a beautiful and natural scenery with crystal clear water lakes. The eruption of Mount Toba which mahadahsyat few years ago is not necessarily lethal activity in this place. Instead now Lake Toba increasingly popular in the eyes of local and foreign tourists.

Lake Toba attractions famous for its beautiful scenary. Around Lake Toba overgrown with pine trees are arranged neatly. Meanwhile, at the edge of the lake, there are some very beautiful waterfalls. There is one place you should not miss when visiting here, namely Tanjung Camel. This location is called the Camel cape because it has a shape like a camel's back. If you want to try a sulfur bath, you can try a sulfur bath located on the coast of the lake.

Take a one day visit to Lake Toba Attraction, tired in mind you will definitely lose. Lake Toba is a family friendly attraction.