Jayawijaya Mountains

  For those of you who are on vacation to Papua or planning to go there on vacation, we suggest that you try to travel Jayawijaya Mountains. Hiking does have sensation, especially for those of you who have never tried it. Jayawijaya Mountains is a name for the mountain range that runs along the province of West Papua to Papua New Guinea. This mountain was formerly known as the Orange Mountains. Perhaps you do not know, in fact it is the highest mountain range in Indonesia, which is 4800 meters above sea level of the sea surface.

  Jayawijaya mountains are formed due to removal of the seabed. One proof is the existence of fossil shells around the mountains. Not only the traveler that likes to come to this place, but scientists also learned a lot from geological Jayawijaya Mountains.

  Another interesting point of the Jayawijaya Mountains are covered by eternal snow. Yes, this is the only mountain in Indonesia are covered by eternal snow. Not all areas in the mountains are covered by snow, but only a few. Some have even disappeared because the effects of global warming.

  Jayawijaya Mountains have a long historical. If we go back to the past, we will find the continent of Pangea. It is the only continent on earth about 250 million years ago. The continent was split into two parts, forming the Eurasian continent and Laurasia. Then split again to form the Eurasian continent that would later form the Gonwana Africa, India, South America, and Australia. Collision only between the Indo-Australian Plate and the Indo-Pacific is a forerunner to the formation Jayawijaya Mountains. So the mountain is not formed in an instant, it took millions of years to form like Jayawijaya Mountains we know today.

Knowing that the long history of Jayawijaya mountains, we must preserve it carefully. Jayawijaya Peak is one of the snowy mountains at the equator. If the binoculars from the top, these mountains look like big black carpet with white ornaments on it. The amount of ice in Puncak Jayawijaya estimated 5 percent of the world's ice continent except Antarctica. If you want to see the glacier, you can come to this place. Jayawijaya Mountains Glacier Valley has type glaciers, which flow from the high to the low. So chances are there glacier flow around this place. The highlight is the popular name Carstenszy Pyramidea or  Puncak Jaya. Carstensz a Dutch man who first discovered this place

Another thing that boasts of Puncak Jayawijaya is due enrolled in seven summit or top seven continents. That's why this place is quite popular among climbers the world. All climbers ranging from amateur to professional racing to conquer the peak Jayawijaya. Conquering the mountain peak is a pride for a climber. Moreover, we can see that rare moment of eternal snow. When else in tropical Indonesia we can find eternal snow.

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