Kelam Park Hill

kelam Park Hill neighborhood located in the District of Tenebrous Permai. kelam Park Hill is located between two major rivers namely River Melawi and Kapuas River, nature park is located in Bukit kelam,distric kelam Permai,18 km from Sintang, West Kalimantan.

As natural attractions and good also for the location of kite flying and rock climbing because it has an altitude 50-900 meters above sea level with a slope between above 45 °. The tree that grows at the foot of the hill trunked generally higher, while dipuncaknya overgrown bush.
In the rare hills overgrown with vegetation wall because it consists of steep stone so that trees are grown and arranged neatly in the pot.

In the kelam park hill,in the hill crest there are natural caves exotic and magical in which there is a bird's nest.
In the kelam park hill also contained rare plants such as the giant bags by Semar local people used as a container untukk cook rice, but it also contained the Black Orchid.
Currently, the kelam bukit used also as a center of scout boy camp. There are two longhouses in the hills location. short Ensaid  and long Ensaid .

To reach the top of hill kelam is now constructed a ladder with a height of ± 90 m, located adjacent to the west.
Climbing to the top of the hill can be reached in two ways using the stairs or through the stone cliffs are very steep and challenging.

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